Footstep noise reduction mat for UNDER SCREED acoustic insulation

Under screed, technical soundproofing mats are particularly useful in two-layered sub-floors and are applied over the lightened screed of filling systems and under the floor preparation screed for sound insulation between one floor and another, limiting the propagation of footstep noise, depending on the chosen product. This is why they are commonly referred to as "footstep noise reduction mats".

Our soundproofing under screed mats are recommended for all applications where an increase in the sound insulation power of the floor is also required, but require screed thickness not less than 5 cm. For lower thicknesses, it is advisable to arm the screed with suitable mesh to avoid cracking it.


For correct laying of the under screed mat, different types of adhesive acoustic wall insulation strip is used depending on the type of stratigraphy needed to be laid along the perimeter joining the footstep noise reduction to create a "basin".